1. Review of R. B. Martin, Carmen Christi in Journal of Religion 39 (l969) 306‑07.
2. "The Form and Function of the Homiletic Benediction," Anglican Theological Review 6 (l969) l8‑34.
3. "The Epistolary Thanksgiving and the Integrity of Philippians," Novum Testamentum 12 (l970) 40‑53.
4. "Conflicting Movements in the Early Church as Reflected in Philippians," Novum Testamentum 12 (l970) 363‑90.
5. "The Agitators and the Galatian Congregation," New Testament Studies 17 (l970‑7l) l98‑2l2. Reprinted in The Galatians Debate: Contemporary Issues in Rhetorical and Historical Interpretation, edited by M. D. Nanos (Peabody: Hendrickson, 2002) 334-47.
6. "The Zealot in America," The Quarterly of the American Interprofessional Institute 45 (1972) 4-8.
7. "Threshing Sledges of Iron [Sermon for Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam]," The Morningside Review 46 (1972) 57-61.
8. "Enthusiastic Radicalism and the Thessalonian Correspondence," Book of Seminar Papers, The Society of Biblical Literature, One Hundred Eighth Annual Meeting (l‑5 September, l972) 1.l8l‑232.
9. "Whispered in Private Rooms . . . Shouted from the Housetops: Reflections on Watergate in Light of Luke l2:2‑3," The Christian Century 90 (June 6, l973) 648‑50.
10. "The Law Is No Respector of Persons," The Christian Century 90 (November l4, l973) lll6.
11. "Isaiah: '. . . Truth Has Fallen in the Public Squares,'" Christian Advocate 14 (November 22, l973) 7‑8.
12. Review of M. Smith, The Secret Gospel in Christian Advocate 14 (December 6, l973) l5‑l6.
13. "The Gospel as Heresy: Concordia Seminary in Exile," The Christian Century 91 (March 27, l974) 336‑40.
14. Review of W. Schmithals, Paul and the Gnostics and Gnosticism in Corinth for the Journal of Biblical Literature 93 (l974) 630‑32.
15. Review of A. C. Cochrane, Eating and Drinking with Jesus: An Ethical and Biblical Inquiry for The Review of Books on Religion 4 (February, l975) 5.
16. "Religious Studies and Popular Culture," Journal of Popular Culture 9 (Fall, l975) 49l‑492; reprinted in Theories and Methodologies in Popular Culture, edited by R. B. Browne, et al., (Bowling Green University Press, l976).
17. Review of D. B. Kraybill, Our Star‑Spangled Faith for The Christian Century 93 (May l2, l976) 466‑67.
Articles for The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, Supplement Volume, edited by K. Crim, V. P. Furnish, L. R. Bailey and E. S. Bucke (New York, Nashville: Abingdon Press, l976):
18. "Body," ll7‑l8;
19. "Conscience," l73‑74;
20. "Flesh in the New Testament," 339‑40;
21. "Man, Nature of, in the New Testament," 56l‑63;
22. "Spirit," 839‑4l.
23. "Norm Demolition Derbies: Rites of Reversal in Popular Culture," with J. S. Lawrence, Journal of Popular Culture 9/4 (l976) 976‑82; reprinted in The Popular Culture Reader, 2nd edition edited by Jack Nachbar, Deborah Weiser, and John L. Wright (Bowling Green: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1978) 245-252; 3rd edition edited by Christopher D. Geist and Jack Nachbar (Bowling Green: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1983) 290-297.
24. "Mythic Conformity in the Cuckoo's Nest," with J. S. Lawrence, Psychocultural Review 1 (l977) 68‑76.
25. "'Star Trek' and the Bubble Gum Fallacy," with J. S. Lawrence, Television Quarterly 14 (l977) 5‑l6.
26. "Roots: Black Soap Opera?" with J. S. Lawrence, Sunday Des Moines Register, (February 6, l977) B 1-2.
27. Review of J. R. McKay and J. F. Miller, eds., Biblical Studies: Essays in Honor of William Barclay in The Circuit Rider 1.8 (June, 1977) 19.
28. "Beyond the Pornography of Violence," with J. S. Lawrence, Religion in Life 46 (l977) 357‑63.
29. Review of J. E. Adams, Preus of Missouri in The Christian Century 94 (October 5, l977) 885‑86.
30. "Pop Fascism in Star Wars‑‑or Vision of a Better World?" with J. S. Lawrence, Sunday Des Moines Register, (November 27, l977) 3B.
31. "Psychohistory of the Cinema," with J. S. Lawrence, The Journal of Psychohistory 5 (Spring, l978) 5l2‑20.
32. Review of J. D. Smart, The Cultural Subversion of the Biblical Faith, in Religion in Life 47 (l978) 243‑45.
33. "The Redaction of I Corinthians and the Trajectory of the Pauline School," JAAR Supplement 46 (l978) 389‑44.
34. Review of J. N. Hartt, The Restless Quest in Encounter 40 (1979) 86-87.
35. "The Sexual Liberation of the Apostle Paul," JAAR Supplement 47 (l979) 55‑87.
36. "The Problem of Mythic Imperialism," with J. S. Lawrence, Journal of American Culture 2 (l979) 309‑20.
37. "Major Impulses in the Theological Interpretation of Romans since Barth," Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 34 (l980) l7‑3l.
38. Review of V. P. Furnish, The Moral Teachings of Paul in the Perkins Journal 33 (l980) 43‑44.
39. "U. S. Shows Naivete in Olympic Boycott," with J. S. Lawrence, Sunday Des Moines Register (April 6, l980) C 1-2.
40. Review of J. A. MacCollam, Carnival of Souls: Religious Cults and Young People, in The Christian Century 97 (April 23, l980) 474-75.
41. Review of J. C. Beker, Paul the Apostle: The Triumph of God in Life and Thought, in Theology Today 38 (l98l) 394‑97.
42. "Romans as an Ambassadorial Letter," Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 36 (l982) 5‑20.
43. "The Fantasy Factor in Civil Religion: Assassinations and Mass Murder in the Media Age," with J. S. Lawrence, explor: A Theological Journal. Published by Garrett‑Evangelical Theological Seminary, (Fall, l982); reprinted in Sunstone 7 (l982) 28‑33; reprinted in Mission Journal 17.2 (1983) 3-7, 17.
44. "Chronology and Methodology: Reflections on the Debate Over Chapters in a Life of Paul," in A Time for Reappraisal and Fresh Approaches: Colloquy on New Testament Studies, edited by B. C. Corley, (Mercer University Press, l983) 271-87, with subsequent "Seminar Dialogue with Robert Jewett and Gerd Luedemann," 309-37.
45. Review of F. J. Ortkemper, Leben aus dem Glauben. Christliche Grundhaltungen nach Römer l2‑l3, for the Journal of Biblical Literature 102 (1983) 509‑11.
46. Review of H. Moxnes, Theology in Conflict: Studies in Paul's Understanding of God in Romans, in the Trinity Journal 4 (1983) 109‑11.
47. "A Covenant with Death," The Christian Century 100 (1983) 477-78.
48. "American Civil Religion and Ritual Blindness," with J. S. Lawrence, The Christian Century 100 (1983) 1075-78.
49. Review of B. Holmberg, Paul and Power: The Structure of Authority in the Primitive Church as Reflected in the Pauline Epistles, in the Anglican Theological Review 66 (1984) 196-98.
50. Review of D. Patte, Paul's Faith and the Power of the Gospel: A Structural Introduction to the Pauline Letters, in The Journal of the American Academy of Religion 52 (1984) 379-80.
51. "Coming to Terms with the Doom Boom," Quarterly Review 4.3 (1984) 9-22.
52. "New Testament Christology: The Current Dialogue between Systematic Theologians and Biblical Scholars," Semeia 30 (1984) 3-12.
53. "Paul, Saint," Academic American Encyclopedia (1984 and subsequent editions) Vol 15: 116-117.
54. "The Redaction and Use of an Early Christian Confession in Romans 1:3‑4," in The Living Text: Essays in Honor of Ernest W. Saunders, edited by R. Jewett and D. E. Groh (Washington: University Press of America, 1985) 99-122.
55. "The Conflict over Sexual Roles in Pauline Churches," Wesleyan Theology Today: A Bicentennial Theological Consultation, edited by T. Runyon (Nashville: Kingswood Books/United Methodist Publishing House, 1985) 151-60.
56. "The Law and the Coexistence of Jews and Gentiles in Romans," Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 39 (1985) 341-56.
57. "Chronology, New Testament," Harper's Bible Dictionary (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1985) 165-66.
58. Review of D. Peterson, Hebrews and Perfection: An Examination of the Concept of Perfection in the "Epistle to the Hebrews" in The Journal of Religion 66 (1986) 72-73.
59. "Following the Argument of Romans," Word and World: Theology for Christian Ministry 6 (1986) 382-89. Revised and reprinted in The Romans Debate, edited by K. P. Donfried (Hendrickson, 1991) 265-77.
60. Review of H. Maccoby, The Myth-Maker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity, in the Philadelphia Inquirer (October 26, 1986) Section S.6.
61. Review of J. L. Kugel and R. A. Greer, Early Biblical Interpretation, in The Christian Century 103. 35 (November 19, 1986) 1040-41.
62. "Paul the Apostle," The Encyclopedia of Religion (New York: Macmillan, 1987) 11. 212-21.
63. Review of B. J. Malina, The New Testament World: Insights from Cultural Anthropology, in Biblical Theology Bulletin 17 (1987) 78.
64. "The Woeful Rich," The Journal of Stewardship 39 (1987) 36-45.
65. Review of L. Gilkey, Creationism on Trial: Evolution and God at Little Rock, in New World Outlook (April, 1987) 41.
66. "Zeal Without Understanding: Reflections on Rambo and Oliver North," The Christian Century 104 (September 9-16, 1987) 753-56.
67. Review of J. L. White, Light from Ancient Letters, in Biblical Research: Journal of the Chicago Society of Biblical Research 32 (1987) 46-49.
68. Review of G. Luedemann, Apostle to the Gentiles: Studies in Chronology, in The Journal of the American Academy of Religion 55 (1987) 839-40.
69. "Systems Theory and Pauline Anthropology: A Cross-Disciplinary Conversation," with J. B. Ashbrook, in The Journal of Pastoral Psychotherapy 1 (1987) 19-37.
70. Review of N. Hyldahl, Die paulinische Chronologie, in The Journal of Biblical Literature 107 (1988) 549-50.
71. "Introduction to the Pauline Letters," Harper's Bible Commentary (New York: Harper & Row, 1988) 1120-29.
72. "Paul, Phoebe, and the Spanish Mission," in The Social World of Formative Christianity and Judaism: Essays in Tribute to Howard Clark Kee, edited by P. Borgen et al (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1988) 144-64.
73. Review of J. Plevnik, What Are They Saying About Paul? for Biblical Theology Bulletin 19 (1989) 40.
74. Review of P. Lampe, Die stadtrömischen Christen in den ersten beiden Jahrhunderten, for Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 43 (1989) 296-98.
75. "Sin and Salvation: Amadeus in the Light of Romans," Ex Auditu: An International Journal of Theological Interpretation of Scripture 5 (1989) 159-69.
76. "Corinth, Corinthian Correspondence," in the Encyclopedia of Early Christianity (New York: Garland, 1990) 234-36. Revised edition (New York: Garland, 1997) 1. 290-94.
77. "Paul," in the Encyclopedia of Early Christianity (New York: Garland, 1990) 699-703. Revised edition (New York: Garland, 1997) 2. 881-85.
78. "Jesus as the Apocalyptic Benefactor in Second Thessalonians," with F. W. Danker, in The Thessalonian Correspondence, edited by R. F. Collins (Leuven: University Press, 1990) 486-98.
79. "A Chance to Affirm the Law of Nations," The Christian Century 107 (November 14, 1990) 1054-55.
80. "Numerical Sequences in Paul's Letter to the Romans," in Persuasive Artistry: Studies in New Testament Rhetoric in Honor of George A. Kennedy, edited by D. F. Watson (Sheffield: JSOT, 1991) 227-45.
81. "A Matrix of Grace: The Theology of 2 Thessalonians as a Pauline Letter," in Pauline Theology. Volume I: Thessalonians, Philippians, Galatians, Philemon, edited by J. Bassler (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1991) 63-70.
82. "'Life to the Dead' from the God of Tender Mercies," in Life as Liberty, Life as Trust, edited by J. R. Nelson (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1992) 1-14.
83. "Competing in the Creedal Olympics: Pauline Resources for Cross-Cultural Ministry," in Knowledge, Attitude & Experience: Ministry in the Cross-Cultural Context, edited by Young-Il Kim (Nashville: Abingdon 1992) 23-36.
84. "Ecumenical Theology for the Sake of Mission: Romans 1:1-17 + 15:14-16:24," Society of Biblical Literature 1992 Seminar Papers, ed. E. H. Lovering, Jr. (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992) 598-612.
87. Review of P. Nathanson, Over the Rainbow: The Wizard of Oz as a Secular Myth of America, in Studies in Religion /Sciences Religieuses: A Canadian Journal 21 (1992) 478-79.
86. "Rambo and the Myth of Redemption," with J. S. Lawrence; volume edited by R. P. Metzger, Transforming Texts: Classical Images in New Contexts (Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 1993) 63-83.
87. "Paul's Dialogue with the Corinthians. . . and Us," in Quarterly Review: A Journal of Theological Resources for Ministry 13.4 (Winter, 1993) 89-112.
88. "Tenement Churches and Communal Meals in the Early Church: The Implications of a Form-Critical Analysis of 2 Thess 3:10," in Biblical Research: Journal of the Chicago Society of Biblical Research 38 (1993) 23-43.
89. "Tenement Churches and Pauline Love Feasts," in Quarterly Review: A Journal of Theological Resources for Ministry 14.1 (Spring, 1994) 43-58.
90. "Gospel and Commensality: Social and Theological Implications of Galatians 2.14," in Gospel in Paul: Studies on Corinthians, Galatians and Romans for Richard N. Longenecker, edited by L. A. Jervis and P. Richardson, JSNTSup 108 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994), 240-52.
91. Review of J. Lambrecht, The Wretched "I" and Its Liberation: Paul in Romans 7 and 8, in the Journal of Biblical Literature 114 (1995) 163-64.
92. "Our flag should be honored, not held as sacred," with C. Collora, in The United Methodist Reporter (September 2, 1995) 2.
93. Review of J. A. Fitzmyer, Romans: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary, in the Journal of Biblical Literature 114 (1995) 745-47.
94. "Guest Editorial: On Turning the Flag into a Sacred Object," with C. Collora in The Journal of Church and State 37 (Autumn, 1995) 741-52.
95. Review of R. H. Bell, Provoked to Jealousy: The Origin and Purpose of the Jealousy Motif in Romans 9-11, in the Critical Review of Books on Religion 8 (1995) 170-73.
96. Review of J. C. Walters, Ethnic Issues in Paul's Letter to the Romans: Changing Self-Definitions in Earliest Roman Christianity, in Critical Review of Books on Religion 8 (1995) 319-20.
97. Review of D. Aukerman, Reckoning with Apocalypse: Terminal Politics and Christian Hope, in Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 50 (January 1996) 98-100.
98. "Ecumenical Theology for the Sake of Mission: Rom 1:1-17 + 15:14-16:24," pp. 89-108 in D. M. Hay and E. E. Johnson, eds., vol. III of Pauline Theology (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress Press, 1995; volume actually published in 1996).
99. "Bibliography (on Romans)," pp. 301-29 in D. M. Hay and E. E. Johnson, eds., vol. III of Pauline Theology (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress Press, 1995; volume actually published in 1996).
100. Review of A. Smith, Comfort One Another: Reconstructing the Rhetoric and Audience of I Thessalonians, in Critical Reviews of Books in Religion 9 (1996) 171-73.
101. Review of B. B. Scott, Hollywood Dreams and Biblical Stories, in Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 51.1 (1997) 102.
103. "Honor and Shame in the Argument of Romans," pp. 257-72 in A. Brown, G. F. Snyder and V. Wiles, eds., Putting Body and Soul Together: Essays in Honor of Robin Scroggs (Valley Forge: Trinity Press International, 1997).
104. "Mapping the Route of Paul's 'Second Missionary Journey' on Previously Undiscovered Roman Roads from Pisidian Antioch to Troas," in Tyndale Bulletin 48.1 (1997) 1-22; reprinted with a "Postscript," in Thetis. Mannheimer Beiträge zur klassischen Archäologie und Geschichte 4 (1997) 127-34, edited by Reinhard Stupperich and Heinz A. Richter.
105. Review of G. D. Fee, God's Empowering Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Letters of Paul, in Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 51.3 (1997) 320.
106. "Babette's Feast and Shaming the Poor in Corinth," in Dialog: A Journal of Theology 36.4 (October, 1997) 270-76.
107. "Stuck in Time: Kairos, Chronos and the Flesh in Groundhog Day," pp. 155-65 in Explorations in Theology and Film, edited by Clive Marsh and Gaye Ortiz; preface by Martin Scorsese (Oxford: Blackwells, 1997).
108. "The Basic Human Dilemma: Weakness or Zealous Violence (Romans 7:7-25 and 10:1-18)." Ex Auditu: An International Journal of Theological Interpretation of Scripture 13 (1997) 96-109.
109. Review of J. Murphy O'Connor, Paul: A Critical Life, in The Journal of Religion 78.1 (1998) 107.
110. "The God of Peace in Romans: Reflections on Crucial Lutheran Texts," in Currents in Theology and Mission 25.3 (June 1998) "Essays in Honor of Edgar Krentz," 186-94.
111. "Confession as Propaganda," Pro Ecclesia 7.4 (Fall, 1998) 395-97.
112. "The Abandonment of Trust: A Biblical Reflection on Public Lies," Sojourners 26.7 (November-December, 1998) 10-11.
113. "The Gospel of Violent Zeal in Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven," Christianity and Literature 47.4 (1998) 427-442.
114. "Are There Allusions to the Love Feast in Rom 13:8-10?" in Common Life in the Early Church: Essays Honoring Graydon F. Snyder, edited by Julian V. Hills et al (Valley Forge: Trinity Press International, 1998), 265-78.
115. "The Bond of Peace and Places in the Heart: Reflections on 'The Dialogue on Theological Diversity," Quarterly Review 18.4 (Winter, 1998-99) 355-65.
116. "Confession and Forgiveness in the Public Sphere: A Biblical Evaluation," in Judgment Day in the White House, edited by Gabriel J. Fackre (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1999) 53-71.
117. "Chronology, New Testament," in Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation, edited by J. H. Hayes (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1999) 193-98.
118. "The Ethical Legacy of the Impeachment Crisis," for Shalom Papers: Occasional Papers on Theology and Public Policy, Wesley Theological Seminary, 1999.
119. "The Social Context and Implications of Homoerotic References in Rom 1:24-27," in Homosexuality, Science, and the "Plain Sense" of Scripture, edited by D. Balch, (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000) 223-41.
120. "The Disguise of Vengeance in Pale Rider," in Religion and Popular Culture in America, edited by B. Forbes and J. Mahan, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000) 243-57.
121. "Paul and the Caravaneers: A Proposal on the Mode of 'Passing through Mysia' on the 'Second Missionary Journey,'" in Text and Artifact in the Religions of Mediterranean Antiquity: Essays in Honour of Peter Richardson, edited by S. G. Wilson and M. Desjardins, Studies in Christianity and Judaism 9 (Waterloo: Willfrid Laurier Press, 2000) 74-90.
122. "Response: Exegetical Support from Romans and Other Letters," in Paul and Politics: Ekklesia - Israel - Imperium - Interpretation. Essays in Honor of Krister Stendahl, edited by R. A. Horsley (Harrisburg: Trinity Press International 2000) 58-71.
Articles for The Lectionary Commentary: Theological Exegesis for Sunday’s Texts. The Second Readings: Acts and the Epistles, ed. R. E. Van Harn (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans; London: Continuum, 2001):
123. “Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year A (Romans 1:1-7),” 10-13.
124. “Ninth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year A (Romans 1:16-17; 3:22b-28, 29-31), 14-17.
125. “First Sunday in Lent, Year C (Romans 10:8-13), 109-12.
126. “Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A (Romans 12:9-21), 120-24.
127. “Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A (Romans 13:8-14), 124-27.
128. “First Sunday of Advent, Year A (Romans 13:11-14), 128-31,
129. “Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year B (Romans 16:25-27), 142-45.
130. "Leib/Leiblichkeit. I. Biblisch." Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, fourth edition, vol. 5 (2002) 215-18.
131. "Impeaching God’s Elect: Rom 8:33-36 in its Rhetorical Situation," in A. Christophersen et al, eds., Paul, Luke and the Graeco-Roman World: Essays in Honour of Alexander J. M. Wedderburn. JSNTSupplement 217 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002) 37-58.
132. "Investigating the Route of Paul’s ‘Second Missionary Journey’ from Pisidian Antioch to Troas," in Actes du Ier Congres International sur Antioche de Pisidie, Collection d'Archeologie et d'Histoire de l'Antiquite of the Universite Lumiere - Lyon 2, edited by Thomas Drew-Bear, Mehmet Taslialan and Christine M. Thomas (Paris: de Boccard, 2002) 93-96.
133. “Blood Brothers. Bush's Rambo Delusion. The Myth of the American Superhero,” with J. S. Lawrence, in San Francisco Chronicle (August 25, 2002) D3; article adapted and translated as "Gezetz und Superheldengeist," Frankfurter Rundschau (July 24, 2002) 19; also in Sweden (Svenska Dagbladet; Dagens Forskning); Japan (Fuku-in to sekai); Finland (Suomen Kuvalehti).
134. "Captain America Takes on Iraq," Tikkun 18.1 (Jan-Feb 2003) 16-20; article adapted and sent to Sweden (Svenska Dagbladet; Dagens Forskning); Japan (Fuku-in to sekai); Finland (Suomen Kuvalehti).
135. "1 and 2 Thessalonians," in the Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible, edited by J. D. G. Dunn (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003) 1392-1406.
136. "Romans," in The Cambridge Companion to St.Paul, ed. J. D. G. Dunn (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003) 91-104..
137. "The Biblical Sources of the Crusade against Evil," with J. S. Lawrence, in the Online Forum/ Newsletter of Religious Studies News--SBL Edition, in an issue entitled "Bush's Bible," May 2003, edited by Moira Bucciarelli.
138. “Paul, Shame, and Honor,” in Paul and the Greco-Roman World: A Handbook, ed. J.P.Sampley, (Harrisburg: Trinity Press International, 2003) 551-74.
139. 'Bergers Bibelblitz.," with Peter Lampe and Helmut Schwier; in Evangelische Orientierung: Zeitschrift des evangelischen Bundes Nr. 2 (2003) 10-11. An abbreviated form of the essay appeared in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, with the title "Paulus ermutigt zur Interkommion," (May 28, 2003) 8.
140. “Prophezieung als Stückwerk: Paulus und die Juden in Römer 9-11,” in "Ich bin ein Hebräer." Zum Gedenken an Otto Michel (1903-1993), edited by Helgo Lindner (Giessen/Basel: Brunnen, 2003) 327-337.
141. "The Biblical Roots of American Messianism," with J. S. Lawrence for The Bible in TransMission: A Forum for Change in Church and Culture (Autumn 2003) 9-11.
142. Foreword for Peter Lampe, From Paul to Valentinus: The Christians in the City of Rome of the First Three Centuries (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2003) xiii-xvi..
143. "Der Traum von der Erlösung durch den Supermann (Schwarzenegger)," with J. S. Lawrence, translated and edited by Geiko Müller-Fahrenholz for Publik Forum Nr. 23 (December 8, 2003) 20-22.
144. "1 and 2 Thessalonians," in Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible, edited by J. D. G. Dunn and J. W. Rogerson (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003) 1413-1427.
145. "The Corruption and Redemption of Creation: Reading Romans 8:18-23 within the Imperial Context," in Paul and the Roman Imperial Order, edited by Richard A. Horsley (Harrisburg: Trinity Press International, 2004) 25-46.
146. "The Question of the Apportioned Spirit in Paul’s Letters: Romans as a Case Study," for The Holy Spirit and Christian Origins: Essays in Honour of James D. G. Dunn, edited by Graham D. Stanton, Bruce Longenecker et al. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004) 193-206.
147. “Die biblischen Würzeln des amerikanischen Messianismus,” in Zeitschrift für Neues Testament 15 (2005) 60-68.
148. "Der Superheld und sein Recht auf Gewalt,” in Geiko Müller-Fahrenhholz, ed., Faszination Gewalt: Aufklaerungsversuche (Frankfurt: Verlag Otto Lembeck, 2006).
149. "The Mythic Score in Iraq: Marduk 1, Captain America 0," National Catholic Reporter Online, April 2007 < >.
150. “Wrath and Violence in Paul’s First and Last Letters: Reflections on the Implications of Divine Impartiality,” in The Impartial God: Essays in Biblical Studies in Honor of Jouette M. Bassler, edited by Calvin J. Roetzel and Robert L. Foster (Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2007) 122-33.
151. “Eschatology in Pop Culture,” with J. S. Lawrence, for the Oxford Handbook of Eschatology, edited by Jerry L. Walls (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008) 655-70.
152. "Wanderungen in der Troas," with Reinhard Stupperich, in Vom Euphrat bis zum Bosporus. Kleinasien in der Antike. Festschrift für Elmar Schwertheim zum 65. Geburtstag, in Asia Minor Studien 65.1 (2008) 349-57 + Tafel 43-46.
153. "Love without Respect is Bogus: A Reply to John Barclay," Journal for the Study of the New Testament 31.1 (2008) 113-18.
154. "Romans as a Missionary Letter Aimed at Overcoming Shameful Status," Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary Newsletter (August 2008) 1-6.
155. "Superheroische Fantasie als Hindernis des Erwachsenwerdens," in Michael Wermke, editor, Erwachsen werden--Erwachsen sein, Populäre Kultur und Theologie 5 (Jena: Edition Treskeia, 2009) 167-80.
156. Review of Stephen Finlan, The Apostle Paul and the Pauline Tradition (Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2008) for the Catholic Biblical Quarterly 71 (2009) 401-02.
157. Review of Thomas H. Tobin, S. J., Paul’s Rhetoric in its Contexts: The Argument of Romans (Peabody: Hendrickson, 2004), for The Expository Times 120 (2009) 203.
158. "Heroes and Superheroes," with John Lawrence, in The Routledge Companion to Religion and Film, edited by John Lyden (London and New York: Routledge, 2009) 384-402.
159. “Between Armageddon and the World Court: Reflections on the American Prospect,” in The Bible and the American Future, edited by Robert Jewett, Wayne L. Alloway Jr., and John G. Lacey (Eugene: Cascade Books, 2009) 48-71.
160. "Body. V. NT," in The Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, edited by Hans-Josef Klauck, Carsten Burfeind, and Matthew Collins (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2009).
161. “The Agape Meal: A Sacramental Model for Ministry drawn from Romans 13:8,” in the Annual of Japanese Biblical Institute 26 (2010) 69-88.
162. “‘An Heavenly Kingdom Shall Descend:’ How Millenialism Spread from New England to the United States of America,” in Knowledge and Power, edited by Peter Meusburger (Dortrecht and Heidelberg: Springer, 2010).
163. “The Anthropological Implications of the Revelation of Wrath in Romans,” in Reading Paul in Context: Explorations in Identity Formation, in Honour of W. S. Campbell, edited by Kathy Ehrensperger and Brian Tucker (New York: T & T Clark, 2010) 24-38.
164. “’Got Good Religion?’ The Misuse of Piety to Earn Honor,” in The Shame Factor: How Shame Shapes Society, edited by Robert Jewett, with co-editors Wayne L. Alloway Jr. and John G. Lacey (Eugene: Cascade Books, 2011) 187-208.
165. "Reinterpreting Romans 13 within its Broader Context," in Celebrating Paul: Festschrift in Honor of Jerome Murphy-O’Connor, O. P. and Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S. J., edited by Peter Spitaler (CBQMS 48 (2011), Washington: Catholic Biblical Association of America) 265-74.
166. Review of Corneliu Constantineanu, The Social Significance of Reconciliation in Paul’s Theoloogy, LNTS 421 (London / New York: T & T Clark International, 2010) in Review of Biblical Literature 11 (2011).